Momma Quail Pattern Tour and Freebie Free Motion Applique Pattern


Happy Friday everyone! I can’t tell you how excited I am about today’s post. This post is part of the Momma Quail Blog Tour. Why am I so excited about this tour?!?! Because Amy Macdonald is the most awesome. She is not only an awesome pattern designer, she is just an awesome person. She is a great friend and someone that is great to have in your corner. She has cheered me on more than I count. She is a member of the Sewing with Boys team and is constantly inspiring me. Ok enough of my praise, let this pattern speak for it’s self.


This pattern I sewed up is the Jackalope Tee. One of the challenges of having 1 boy and 1 girl is finding sewing patterns that I can use for both of them. All of Amy’s patterns are so versatile that it makes it so easy to customize for my girl or boy. I love being able to sew for both of them with just one sewing pattern.


The next thing I LOVE about the Jackalope Tee is the ease to mix and match fabrics and the ability to incorporate woven cotton into a t-shirt. There are SOOOOOO many cute woven’s out there and they are MUCH cheaper than most of the custom knit fabrics, this pattern really appeals to my frugal side. On Miss G’s shirt I used 5, yes 5 different fabrics. She adores all the colors and it makes my inner Punky Brewster smile. The side stripe on Miss G’s shirt is flannel to make it extra cozy.

For Mr T’s shirt I used a Marvel t-shirt from the clearance rack and some woven Marvel fabric from the remenants bin at Joann. This shirt cost me $4 in fabric. That makes my frugal heart swoon.


When you first print out the Jackalope Tee, you may think that it is a lot of pieces for a t-shirt. But have no fear, Amy makes putting this shirt together a breeze. I made these 2 shirts and 1 other in about 1.5 hours, including cutting out the fabric. I sew pretty slow so that is a quick sew for me.


So where can you get this and all the other fantastic Momma Quail Patterns?!?! Etsy, Friends Stitched Together, and join the Momma Quail Pattern Group on Facebook. Use the coupon code “MQPATTERNTOUR” for 30% off in the Etsy shop through 11/21/15. This is going to be the biggest Momma Quail Pattern sale in November – don’t wait til Black Friday.
Amy is also generously giving away a pattern to 3 lucky winners. Make sure to go all the way to the bottom of the post for the giveaway.



For Miss G’s shirt she requested a giant cupcake on the front of it. We recently saw a t-shirt that said something along the lines of “happier than a unicorn sitting on a rainbow eating a cupcake.” I wanted a little more detail than a freezer paper stencil and I have recently been swept up in the free motion applique frenzy. Sooooo…what’s a blogger/pattern maker to do…make a pattern for a cupcake free motion applique. I also decided to offer this pattern to my readers for free.

Cupcake-FMA-illustrations-01You can download the pattern here CutieCupcakeFMA-ByKnotSewNormal, all the instructions are included in the file.


Make sure to go check out all the other fantastic looks on the blog tour and enter the rafflecopter giveaway.


Sew ThriftyWillow and StitchThe Wholesome Mama


Create 3.5Lulu & CelestePear Berry Lane


The Berry BunchPaisley RootsCall AjaireFalafel and the Bee


House of EstrelaAdventures with Bubba and BugSwoodson Says


Rebel & MaliceKnot Sew NormalSew Thrifty

Rafflecopter giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

7 thoughts on “Momma Quail Pattern Tour and Freebie Free Motion Applique Pattern

  1. I sew mostly for my kids, and sometimes for the adults and other kids in my life! Basically anytime my kids get overloaded on clothes, I start sewing for others for a while 🙂


  2. Such a cute cupcake! I’m going to have to try free motion. I keep thinking I just want someone to create applique designs that look like free motion, but I can just throw on the machine. 🙂


  3. You are such a great friend Jonie! I would not be where I am today without you and the other SWB ladies! I love these tees and the cupcake is just the cutest! Thanks for joining in the tour 🙂


  4. Pingback: Cyber Monday - Pattern Release and Tour Round Up - Friends Stitched Together

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